Subject: Fluid machinery (SEMESTER + GATE).

*Introduction and classification of fluid machines:

fluid machinery:- 

  • In fluid machinery we study about application of thermodynamics and fluid mechanics .

Fluid machines:-


  • It is a device which converts the energy stored by a fluid into mechanical energy (or ) vice versa.

  • the energy stored by a fluid mass appears in the form of

                                                                                             a. Potential energy

                                                                                              b. Kinetic energy
                                                                                               c. Molecular energy

  • Machines using liquid ( mainly water as a working substance ) are termed as hydraulic machines.

Fluid machines can be mainly classified into two types.

1. power producing machine

2. power absorbing machine

1. power producing machines are :-

a. Turbine

i. impulse turbine

ii. pelton turbine

iii. Reaction turbine

iv. Francis turbine

v.  Kaplan turbine / propeller turbine

2. power absorbing machines are:-

a. Pump / compressor

i. Positive displacement.
  • Reciprocating / gear pump
  • Rotodynamic pump
  • centrifugal pump

* Hydroelectric power plants:-


  • It is the most widely used form of renewable energy .

It consists of mainly 5 parts:-

1. Dam and reservoir

2. Control gate

3. Penstock

4. water turbine

5. Generator

6. surge tank

1. Dam and reservoir:

  • Dam means sufficient water storage at some height.
  • the height of water level ( called a water head ).
  • through this head we determines how much potential energy is stored in it.

2. Control Gate:

  • Control gates are controlling the flow of water ( first water from the reservoir is allowed to flow through  the penstock  and to the turbine).
  • If the control gate is fully opened , the maximum amount of water is released through the penstock.

3. Penstock:

  • Penstock converted the potential energy of water into kinetic energy and it flows down through the  penstock due to gravity.

4. Water turbine( or )hydraulic turbine:

  • Flow of water from the penstock is taken into the water turbine.
  • Turbine converts hydraulic energy into mechanical energy. 
  • The turbine is mechanically coupled to an electric generator.
  • turbine moves through the kinetic energy of water.

5. Generator:

  • A generator is mounted in the powerhouse and it is mechanically coupled to the turbine shaft.
  • if turbine blades are rotated then they drives the generator,and the electricity generated.

6.Surge Tank:

  • It is a small reservoir which is open at the top .
  • it is fitted between the reservoir and the powerhouse.


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